Monday, January 18, 2016

More drainage problems are being addressed as you can see in the photos. This is a drain line on the north side of our driving range tee and practice bunker. This line was found to be full of tree roots which was not allowing the catch basin to the NW of the driving range tee to drain in a timely manner after a rain event. The clogged drain line was excavated and replaced with 80' of new tile and protected against tree roots in the future by wrapping a "sock" around the connections and sealing them with a foam product.

Monday, January 11, 2016

We finally got outside to get a drainage problem addressed on #16. This is in the native on the left side of the hole. There was a hole in the connection from the 6" drain line to the 30" line which was causing a sink hole to form. It's being repaired today, but soil regrading and seeding will have to wait until springtime.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter work is in full swing. All of our cutting units are taken apart, inspected, and rebuilt with new bearings. They are then put on our grinding machine and sharpened for the upcoming golf season.

We also bring in all of our tee markers, ballwashers, and enter/exit posts for refurbishing. This involves sanding them down, repainting, and putting a new coat of polyurethane on them (except for ballwashers). The ballwashers will get sanded and repainted as well as inspected to make sure they are working correctly.